This is so much fun, Im definitely buying the full version
This is so much fun, Im definitely buying the full version
Its awesome1.00000000000000 times !!!!!!!!!!!
I got tri-gnomes in all level :D awesome still...! Its easy.
This game is amazing and so cool and I just wanted to say you should buy this game its fun and very mind twisting I like it
Great and fun game
hours of racing fun
Good game. Very addictive.
Should be called weres perry
Awesome game!!! Tots fun
this game it so cool ! and perry is my idolt!!!
Its an addicting game for kids and older!! :( I wish there were more levels though. Good luck on making em all!! ~Coolest girl.
I am a teenage and Im addicted to that game too!
There are tons of better games no sucky game plus sucky people
Great game, A lot of fun and no problems with the game so far.
This game is fun:)
Love the game it is awesome !!!!!!:)
So much fun and makes your brain think a little bit tell all your friends about it.
Great game but disney has made it unavailable in canada. Do not update ur app if u have it already on ur phone. They did it last year with Water XYY. Now perry. Why limit who can download it???? Americans.......go figure